Praising the Lord for This Sick Day
I have spent so many years trying to cultivate gratitude, and occasionally it appears in my heart, unmistakably. This usually occurs in the dark, in silence, in the middle of a sesshin (a silent meditation retreat that lasts up to…

Holy Humiliating: The Day I Took My Husband to my Tennis Lesson (Part One)
I have done so many dumb things in my life I could start a new blog for each category of stupid (risky behaviors I did for men, e.g. tattoos, breaking and entering, etc.; things I quit and the lame reasons…

More on Witches
My new friend Trina and I have been having a spirited debate about feminism and feelings and rape and what it means to be on a witch hunt. I am so grateful that she has taken the time to explain…

A Dispatch from Post-Sandy Manhattan, by Evie, my First Guest-Blogger
My good friend, and on the weekends neighbor sent me this last week and I asked her if I could reprint it here, which would make her my very first guest-blogger. Welcome to my world, Evie! So this is a…

In Direct Response to High and Low
Sometimes (often, most of the time?), I forget I am a “Zen Practitioner.” This is usually a good thing because Lord knows nobody would want to be around a stinky Zen person, offering up teachings for whatever ails you. And…

Moving Right Along
So I heard back from Coffeehouse Press today. Not interested. It’s ok. I really doubted they would take it, but my friend knows someone there, so hey, what the heck! I am trying to keep myself gathered as I continue…

Joko Revisited
I had the good fortune of spending last weekend at the monastery. It was the 2nd annual senior’s retreat, which means that the 20 or so people who have gone through the process of becoming empowered as senior students…

What’s That Burning Flesh Smell? Oh, Right. I’ve Been Branded: Part Two
So the voice, which I am coming to think of more and more, as God, said: “Get a Volvo.” I listened. I have a Volvo, a 2004 Cross Country Wagon with 100,000 miles on it. It cost $8,000, and once…

What’s that Burning Flesh Smell? Oh, right. I’ve Been Branded: PART ONE
It all started with my hatred for the Prius. I had been excited to trade in our inherited Subaru outback, not only to to enjoy the obvious advantages of driving a hybrid (the internal advantage being the erroneous, yet powerful…

Interior Interiors
I am getting ready for a vacation for almost two weeks. I doubt I will write at all during that time. In the meantime, I am preparing a piece for The Weeklings, the good folks who published my piece about…