Interior Interiors
I am getting ready for a vacation for almost two weeks. I doubt I will write at all during that time. In the meantime, I am preparing a piece for The Weeklings, the good folks who published my piece about…

Waking Up From Dreams & How Chris Hedges (On War, Art, and Being a Soccer Mom) Helps me Work it Out
Part I My neighbor, Claude, committed suicide last weekend. He was in his 60’s diabetic, super bummed to be riding around in his scooter thing. I always avoided him and his wife, but T, being the friendly one in…

Salon has a winner today!
T just passed this on to me (via Facebook….grrrr…..). Wowza, Ms. Purtill! She just made it on to my women I want to talk to list. Oh, the irony of her getting all those “likes” as she writes about giving…