Let’s Start Here
Wow. Ten days since I posted. Sorry, you 336 Unique Visitors from last week! I promise to make it up to you. Thing is, I have three drafts in the pile. It’s been that kind of ten days. At the…

This Person Should Be This Way: A Real Girl
Finally, I finished Ms. Heti’s book. Ve-ry-in-ter-est-ing. Last night T and I hung out with some neighborhood friends and I was talking to the lady, who is a famous food person and a lovely human who I really admire, and…

Signed, Clueless in the Catskills
Gosh, what can I say? As promised, I have been reading Ms. Heti’s book (I am on page 133, the beginning of the chapter “They Wander the City on Drugs,” which came shortly after the chapter “Interlude for Fucking,” a…

Waking Up From Dreams & How Chris Hedges (On War, Art, and Being a Soccer Mom) Helps me Work it Out
Part I My neighbor, Claude, committed suicide last weekend. He was in his 60’s diabetic, super bummed to be riding around in his scooter thing. I always avoided him and his wife, but T, being the friendly one in…

Kathleen Norris (on Acedeia, Ego, and Being Sincere) Helps me Work it Out
My interview with Kathleen Norris, author of Cloister Walk, Dakota, Acedia and others, was one of the few that was not run by The Sun. It wasn’t my favorite either. However, this part about acedia and ego was interesting, I…

Sam Harris Helps Me Work it Out
Over the years I have been able to interview lots of cool people about the topic I love the most: being. While I have done tons of talking to folks for various projects (see About This Situation), some interviews have…