Interior Interiors
I am getting ready for a vacation for almost two weeks. I doubt I will write at all during that time. In the meantime, I am preparing a piece for The Weeklings, the good folks who published my piece about…

Doing Something I Swore I’d Never Do
There is something about cooking beets that makes me impatient. It is probably some combination of the fact that A: I love them when they are Food Cooked Elsewhere; B: I don’t like them at home, and C: their…

Look! A Real Person!
I love human beings. Not necessarily individual ones, like to talk to, in person, but to watch, to admire, to experience, say, on a subway car full of them. Or to look at pictures of them, in their lives….

Waking Up From Dreams & How Chris Hedges (On War, Art, and Being a Soccer Mom) Helps me Work it Out
Part I My neighbor, Claude, committed suicide last weekend. He was in his 60’s diabetic, super bummed to be riding around in his scooter thing. I always avoided him and his wife, but T, being the friendly one in…

Salon has a winner today!
T just passed this on to me (via Facebook….grrrr…..). Wowza, Ms. Purtill! She just made it on to my women I want to talk to list. Oh, the irony of her getting all those “likes” as she writes about giving…

Is Someone Sitting in My Chair?
There was a time when I hated anyone who mentioned the New Yorker without irony. And then I graduated from Antioch, grew the hair on my head, shaved the rest, that tired old cliche of moving into the mainstream,…

Kathleen Norris (on Acedeia, Ego, and Being Sincere) Helps me Work it Out
My interview with Kathleen Norris, author of Cloister Walk, Dakota, Acedia and others, was one of the few that was not run by The Sun. It wasn’t my favorite either. However, this part about acedia and ego was interesting, I…

Am I the Only one Who Can’t Handle Facebook?
Seriously. I just can’t be. And yet…I look at the cool, interesting, happy, or maybe tortured, but in any case somehow styled, or, rather, curated, pictures strewn across my computer screen—people I once knew, people I wished I had never…

Alrighty, then
As I describe in my first post, I was hypnotized a couple months ago to quit smoking. I was (am?) a very light smoker, but attached to it nonetheless. Well, what started as one drag, turned into one…

An Essay I Wrote about the Past
This essay I wrote about the past was recently posted on a groovy newish online magazine started and edited by some local writers, called The Weeklings. They did a special feature on Mad Men, and included mine. Here it…