My name is Bethany Saltman. I am 50 years old.
From as far back as I can remember, I have been searching for my place in the world. When my husband worked in a nursing home, there was an old lady there who used to repeat, "Is this my chair? Is this my chair?" I can relate to that lady.
My website is bethanysaltman.com, and my email is bethanysaltman@gmail.com.
I started this blog because I was so deeply fatigued by waiting for word on Non-Fiction Book Proposal #3 that, for the first time in my life, I needed something to do.
And because I was so over the hope that if I did this, or that, or the other thing just right, and schmoozed the perfect contact, crafted the most riveting pitch, delivered the juiciest proposal, then, then.....
I finally decided to just write what I want to write.
So that's the situation.