What’s a year in the scheme of things? It’s been a big one, and I have gone way internal, and am coming out the other side. And we’re moving. Up the road to a beautiful, bigger house in Woodland Valley…

Italy Retrospective: More Thoughts on Ordinary Food
It’s been almost four months since we returned from our Italy trip. I am still digesting, if you will, the whole thing, especially my happily evolving relationship to food, and foodishness. So I would like to begin a little series…

Renouncing the New Decadence
Last night A and I hung out with our good friends who have a 2nd home across the street, which they usually rent out. When they are not here, they live in the West Village, where they own a well-known…

Writing From the Middle of a Conversation You Didn’t Know We Were Having
I recently returned from a family trip to Italy. We visited Assisi, home of Saint Francis and his sidekick, Chiara, otherwise known as Clare, founder of the order of Poor Clares. She was the first woman to to write a…

An Enlarged Heart? Maybe. Maybe Not.
Yesterday I picked up a new book from Molly, my favorite local librarian. Every time I stumble across something that appeals, I go my account on the Phoenicia Library page and order it up. Then Molly calls me when it’s…

The Road that Leads to Personhood
So. Here is my question: What do I do with my personhood? Like, my subjective, emotional, hot-heart-self? The feelings that “come up” when something happens. Anything. Rejection. Fear. Anger. Irritation. The self that arises from within a flow. Interesting to…

My mom’s killer, low, pull-back hairdo from the 60’s has always inspired me to keep my hair long, even though I could not, would not do the work required of such piece of artistry. Even so, I always felt comforted,…

Thanks, Elizabeth Wurtzel, (and the Kind Delusion-Dispellers at New York Magazine) for Clarifying a Few Things for This Aspiring Writer
This is fun. I get to join the ranks of the “infuriated bloggers,” according to the New York Post, as well as all the head-scratching dissectors in venues like Jezebel and many other smart writers such as Alyssa Rosenberg who…

My Piece from the Weeklings
I wrote this a couple weeks ago, and now it’s up on The Weeklings. A few days after Frankenstorm, my house (and lower Manhattan) still dark, a few days before a Presidential election. My how things change. Oh well! The…

Breathless. Back from the Rabbit Hole
Dang. I almost didn’t make it out. I have things to do—Deadlines, dinner, grading, art practice, big plans to make. So what a dumb time to follow a link I found in Jezebel about Victorian portraits, and the cute trend…