I Never Knew I Cared: A Reverie on Ding-Dongs and Thanksgiving
Amidst the news of more war between Palestine and Israel, another power-dude sex scandal, and an impending fiscal cliff, this morning, on the treadmill, luxuriating in my TV fix, I heard that Hostess is going out of business. Now, as…

More on Witches
My new friend Trina and I have been having a spirited debate about feminism and feelings and rape and what it means to be on a witch hunt. I am so grateful that she has taken the time to explain…

How Feminism Failed Me (and I, Apparently, Failed It)
The backstory here is my November Chronogram column, something that I have been wanting to write for a long time: Flowers Fall: Non-Duality for President by Bethany Saltman, October 31, 2012 The policy [that legislated verbal consent at every…

A Dispatch from Post-Sandy Manhattan, by Evie, my First Guest-Blogger
My good friend, and on the weekends neighbor sent me this last week and I asked her if I could reprint it here, which would make her my very first guest-blogger. Welcome to my world, Evie! So this is a…

Some Thoughts on Being Quiet and Powerless
If I weren’t sitting at the funny conference table at the Emerson (the resort which happens to house a gym of which I am a member) gearing up for a shower, catching up on my work here, in other words,…

My Piece from the Weeklings
I wrote this a couple weeks ago, and now it’s up on The Weeklings. A few days after Frankenstorm, my house (and lower Manhattan) still dark, a few days before a Presidential election. My how things change. Oh well! The…

Oh, Sandy
Sitting here at Steve and Jessie’s kitchen table, trying to get my work done before the lights go out. The kids playing. Jessie ironing. Turkey sandwiches waiting in the wings. Watching the Pakatakan Mountain wait, too. A little rain. Some…

The World’s Most Famous Bored Lady
Yesterday, Sunday, T spent all morning at the monastery, where he runs the Zen Teens program with another senior student (and friend of ours). Azalea slept until 10 (!) and then played with a friend. I figured, hey, if they…

Anything Else?
I have been reading the 200 page transcript that Tom L. from Australia posted online from the six years when he and Joko did dokusan, or face to face teaching, over the phone, something she did a lot. It is…